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The Birth Of High T Club

Our Mission: to promote a paradigm shift regarding Bald Men.



I’ve always known I have High Testosterone but I had no way to prove it.  Male Pattern Baldness runs in my family, so I had heard “Bald Men Have High Testosterone” early in my life.  Some say it’s an “Old Wives’ Tale”.  But I’ve seen the knowing looks between my Aunt and my Bald Uncle.  The way they would giggle like kids.  Bald Men and their significant others know that High Testosterone is there.  As awesome as that is, the benefits of High Testosterone go way beyond keeping your partner happy.


As the years have gone by, I’ve heard uninformed full-hair dudes talk about how a man’s self-esteem can be improved if he can somehow slow or stop the loss of hair.  I know guys who’ve tried the topical ointment that grabbed so much attention back in the day.  What does the stuff really do?  It lowers or blocks your production of Testosterone!  What do the newest hair-loss pills do?  Same thing, they lower or block your production of Testosterone.  If a man continues buying the “hair loss remedies”, he's locked in for life, paying money to decrease his libido.  That will lower your self-esteem in a hurry!


So, I came across the observations from Hippocrates from around 480 BC.  Hippocrates is widely considered the father of Western Medicine.  Every new doctor takes the Hippocratic Oath when they go into practice.


Hippocrates was going bald.  He observed these castrated servant-men who kept a full head of hair throughout their lives.  Castrated men produce no testosterone because their testicles are gone.  Hippocrates was the first to observe and document the connection between Testosterone and Male Pattern Baldness.  His observations have been proven twice more over time.  Castrated men don’t produce testosterone, and they keep their hair.


Then, I’m thinking, what about men today who have not been castrated but keep a full head of hair throughout their life?  Why do they keep their hair?  Well, thinking logically, using all my common sense, their testosterone production must be low enough that the conversion to DHT can’t happen.  Alas, they can get help.


​Be proud of your High Testosterone.  Stay in shape.  Be ready for anything.  Bald Men are everywhere.  We need to give them the props they deserve! 


My conclusion:  It appears, in the grand scheme of things, for a man

to stay confident, virile and vibrant his entire life,

it is necessary for a man to lose his hair.

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